Thursday, January 20, 2011

Frustration at RiteAid!

I have been to RiteAid four times in five days and what do I have to show for it? Zip, nada, zilch!
I had hoped to have a great transaction to show you and am disappointed to say the least. RiteAid came out with a great price on toilet paper and tissue. Basically it would have ended up with me paying just the tax, as there was an UP reward for the price of the item.
I went to the store the day the ad came out. Nothing. I went back to the store the next day...nothing. I asked a manager when more of the product would arrive and he said the next night at 5:30 p.m. I was there at 5:30, but the paper goods were not. In fact the shipment had been "delayed" when I asked about it. At least at this point I was smart enough to get rain checks for both items. The next day, I went to a nearby store and thought I would check in. The shelves were still empty. Four trips to RiteAid and four times no advertised products.:(  This has happened to me in the past and in fact was the reason I stopped shopping at RA. I will give it a try a bit longer, after all, I do have those rain checks. Still I find it sad that a store doesn't stock enough of a product that they advertise in their flier.

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